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Come on In
As I create a moment in time.
A Lifelong Connection to Nature

I am a keen outdoors person that appreciates and enjoys being outdoors, I love to walk, hike and cycle.
During the covid pandemic in 2020 I bought my first DSLR camera to give me another hobby to help with lockdown and the restrictions it brought.
I am very fortunate where I live on the edge of the countryside with hills and reservoir's , I used Gladhouse Reservoir as my subject to self teach myself initially before finding The School of Photography, I photographed it over a period of eight months at sunrise and sunset, ending with creating my first book as a lasting memory of this time.
Since then I have created my second book from a 5 day wild hiking trip to Assynt in Sutherland, North West Scotland , this was following a trip when I cycled around Scotland and promised myself I would return to spend more time to immerse myself in it's natural beauty.
I am grateful that you have joined me in this journey.